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Dil-E Punjab Deli
170 9th Ave, New York NY 10011
(212) 647-9428
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Dill & Parsley (41st & Madison Ave)
295 Madison Ave, New York NY 10017
(646) 604-6390
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Dill and Parsley
425 Madison Ave, New York NY 10017
(646) 595-1610
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Dill and Parsley
829 3rd Ave, New York NY 10022
(646) 918-6949
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Dim Sum Go Go
5 E Broadway, New York NY 10038
(212) 732-0797
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Dim Sum Palace
28 w 56th, New York NY 10019
(646) 609-3966
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Dim Sum Palace
334 W 46th St, New York NY 10036
(646) 861-1910
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Dimes Deli
143 Division St, New York NY 10002
(212) 240-9410
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Dinosaur Bar-B-Que
700 W 125th St, New York NY 10027
(212) 694-1777
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Dirty Bird To-Go 14th st
204 W 14th St, New York NY 10011
(212) 620-4836
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DiSO's Italian Sandwich Society
1301 6th Ave, New York NY 10019
(347) 409-3116
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Divya's Kitchen
25 1st Ave, New York NY 10003
(212) 477-4834
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53 Nassau St, New York NY 10038
(212) 571-7676
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26-28 Cedar St, New York NY 10005
(212) 571-7676
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Do Hwa
55 Carmine St, New York NY 10014
(212) 414-1224
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89 E 4th St, New York NY 10003
(917) 261-5228
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Dolcino Trattoria Toscana Italian
517 2nd Ave, New York NY 10016
(732) 641-8603
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Domino's Pizza
45 Catherine Street, New York NY 10038
(212) 566-8888
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Domino's Pizza
16 W 8th St, New York NY 10011
(212) 353-3100
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Don Antonio
309 W 50th St, New York NY 10019
(646) 719-1615
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Don Filippo Restaurant
1133 Lexington Ave, New York NY 10075
(212) 744-3610
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Don Giovanni Ristorante
214 10th Ave, New York NY 10011
(212) 242-9054
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Don Giovanni Ristorante
358 W 44th St, New York NY 10036
(212) 581-4939
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Doner Barans
443 3rd Ave, New York NY 10016
(212) 683-3008
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Donna Margherita
1304 2nd Ave, New York NY 10065
(212) 772-1169
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Dorrian's Red Hand
1616 2nd Ave, New York NY 10028
(917) 970-7338
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Dos Caminos - Meat Packing
675 Hudson St, New York NY 10014
(212) 699-2400
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Dos Caminos - Times Square
1567 Broadway, New York NY 10036
(212) 918-1330
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Dos Toros
11 Carmine St, New York NY 10014
(212) 627-2051
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Dos Toros
101 Maiden Ln, New York NY 10038
(347) 662-3611
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Dos Toros
119 W 40th St, New York NY 10018
(917) 993-7200
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Dos Toros
52 W 52nd St, New York NY 10019
(347) 305-7765
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Dos Toros
465 Lexington Ave, New York NY 10017
(347) 394-3844
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Dos Toros
1115 Lexington Ave, New York NY 10075
(212) 535-4658
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Dos Toros
668 6th Ave, New York NY 10010
(917) 810-2544
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Dos Toros
64 Court St, New York NY 11202
(347) 497-3339
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Dos Toros Taqueria (295 Park Ave S)
295 Park Avenue South, New York NY 10010
(347) 946-6225
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Dosa Royale
348 Bowey, New York NY 10012
(347) 393-7295
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Dough Boys Pizza
451 3rd Ave, New York NY 10016
(212) 686-1211
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Doughnuttery at Turnstyle Market
1000S 8th Ave, New York NY 10019
(212) 633-4359
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Dr Smood - Soho
470 Broome Street, New York NY 10013
(646) 713-1376
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Dragon Town
2030 3rd Ave, New York NY 10029
(212) 828-8277
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Duke Eatery
300 Park Ave, New York NY 10022
(212) 625-7777
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Duke Ellington Deli
934 Columbus Ave, New York NY 10025
(212) 662-3015
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Duke's Murray Hill
560 3rd Ave, New York NY 10016
(212) 949-5400
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Dumpling Kingdom
227 Sullivan St, New York NY 10012
(212) 353-8888
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Dumpling Man
100 St Marks Pl, New York NY 10009
(212) 505-2121
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DV Cafe and Restaurant
15 W 55th St, New York NY 10019
(646) 290-6742
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E Broadway Pizza
127 East Broadway, New York NY 10002
(917) 261-5501
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East End Bar & Grill
1672 3rd Ave, New York NY 10128
(212) 348-3783
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